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in 2 minutes, people would still be late ...
Faits & Gestes
Andrea Marcellier
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Arose is arose is arose

Graduation Show 2021

Arose is arose is composed of three parts, a mineral water fountain, the sink of our atelier and my collection of dedications gathered in a coat. Pieces by Florian Moldan are also present around the fountain. The installation of the exhibition space was done in close collaboration.

Entering the room, one can see a drinking water construction made of plastic bottles. The fountain does not flow and flowers adorn the basin. I wanted it to smell so good, a little too much even, almost sickening.

Here as elsewhere, the fountain is a social space. This meant for us to make a wish, to take a picture, spend time on the windowsill or as it happened quite spontaneoulsy, listen to a concert.